In today’s day and age, living in a world filled with chaos and strife, it is hard to believe there can exist a sense of peace in a person’s life! For many people the idea of having any kind of peace within their world is a figment of one’s imagination. And the Christian thought of enjoying a peace that passes all human understanding is nothing more than a pipe dream.
In the Three Year Lectionary Gospel reading from John, for this Sunday, we have the story of Jesus coming to His disciples in the locked room, where they were hiding for fear of the Jewish leaders and Roman soldiers. In this tension filled setting, we find Jesus sharing some very comforting words with those He loves and calls His friends: “Peace be with you”. After the Lord spoke these soothing words to them, He showed them the nail marks in His hands and the gash in His side. Having been exposed to such bold proof of who He was, these followers of Christ were full of gladness. Their fear subsided and true joy entered their hearts. Seeing their reaction Jesus once again made the statement: “Peace be with you”. Without a doubt, the Master wanted His beloved friends to be truly at peace and not be traumatized with fear.
For each of us there are many things in this world that may cause us to fear. Such concerns as war, cancer, covid, loss of job, loss of freedom, finances, and our children’s health and well-being, may weigh heavy on our hearts and even cause us to be quite fearful about the present, as well as the future. Yet, if we can look to our risen Lord Jesus, listen to and take hold of the words “Peace be with you”, He shared with His early disciples, you, and me, in that locked room,”, then we can also partake in the special blessing our Savior is offering us.
In an earlier section of John’s Gospel proclamation, John 14:27, Jesus speaks this message of solace, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid”. Dear friends in Christ, there is a peace that does pass all human understanding, and it can only come from one place. Knowing Jesus as your risen Lord and Savior is where true peace is found. For us to search for it anywhere else is a waste of time, energy, and hope. Christ is risen, He is risen indeed, alleluia! Have a Christ-filled and peaceful day!!!!!!!!! Pastor McCarty