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Jesus loves the little children!

Writer's picture: Pastor McCartyPastor McCarty

Jesus loves the little children.

I am sure all of you reading this devotion have heard and even sung the song, “Jesus Loves the Little Children.” The beginning verse goes like this: Jesus Loves the little children, all the children of the world; Red, brown, yellow, black, and white, they are precious in His sight; Jesus loves the little children of the world.” There is also another well-known hymn which is directed towards children, and it is titled, “Jesus Loves Me This I Know.” The first verse of this long-time popular Christian song says: “Jesus loves me this I know, For the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; They are weak, but He is strong.”

So, you may be asking yourself by this time, “Why is Pastor McCarty bringing before us these two particular song/hymns in today’s devotion? The very reason, the most important reason is this: You and I, as Christians, are called to be defenders of those who cannot defend themselves in this world. Among those who are most vulnerable are the little children in the womb. These precious gifts from God are part of His creation just as much as any of us are, and it should be our deep desire to protect these helpless little ones.

We must also realize that Jesus died on the cross to save those babies, who are still waiting to leave their present place of residency within their mothers and come out into the world. If Jesus was willing to give His all to save them, are we not also called to place ourselves in a position to save them? Jesus said, “Whatever you do to the least of these my brothers (and sisters), you did to me.” Matthew 25:40b Certainly, I hope we can agree the children in the womb can be considered our brothers and sisters and among those Jesus is referring to!!!

This November across our nation, and especially here in Michigan, we will have an opportunity to do something to help protect the infants in the womb as well as their mothers. There is legislation being proposed which will severely jeopardize the health and well-being of both mom and baby. In Michigan this piece of legislation is titled “Proposal 3”. This Bill being proposed is very deceiving and misleading and it carries with it devastating consequences for the mother and her child. Yet, there are some people who are making such an evil and harmful Bill seem good!!!

For me to suggest we must oppose this legislation is not to be seen as a political move. We are commanded by the Lord in the 3rd Commandment to honor those in authority. Yet, we are also told to stand up to anything/anyone which is against God’s Word and His will. Taking the life of a little child and putting a mother into a harmful situation is not what God desires to have happen. This is a spiritual stand we are making dear saints and not a political one no matter what others might deem it to be. Stand up, stand up, and make your lifesaving witness for Jesus, the mothers, and these precious children known. Pastor McCarty


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