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Actions speak louder than words!

Writer's picture: Pastor McCartyPastor McCarty

Actions speak louder than words!

I am sure over the years you may have read or heard this statement that is the title of this devotion. Many times, we hear such words of wisdom, and they don’t really sink into the point that we actually believe them and make them a part of our everyday life. Certainly, this phrase has a lot of merit, especially in the day and age we are presently living in. For many people they can say they are one type of person in name, but their actions seem to show something completely different. When this takes place, the individual is generally labeled as being a hypocrite.

For Christians this happens even more so. If, a Christian confesses to be a follower of Christ and does not live as one should be expected to live as a disciple of Jesus this can give a poor witness for the Savior. Yes, we are all sinners for sure, and yet we do have the blessing of being forgiven in the name of Jesus. And because we are able to experience the joy of forgiveness, it should be our heartfelt desire to obediently follow the words of the Master. To say we are Christian is one thing, and to carry that out in the manner in which we live in this world is another very important step in our confession of faith.

In John 14:23-24, the Lord Jesus addresses this specific issue. Hear His clearly directed words: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words. And the word that you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me. These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you.”

First and foremost, Jesus preached and taught about His heavenly Father, the Kingdom of God, and the story of salvation which would come to fulfillment in Him. And these points of faith need to be the focus of our Christian life as well. But Jesus also spoke on following His words concerning obedience to the will of God, the Ten Commandments, and living as Christ-like people. It is a direct attack on these tenants of the faith to support abortion, same sex marriages, transgenderism, and all other societal lifestyles which are in absolute rebellion to the Word of God and Christ’s words of acceptable conduct. We are commanded to love our neighbor as ourselves. And yet, you and I are not to condone actions for ourselves or anyone else, that fly in the face of Holy Scripture.

Our faith as people of God must see through the falsehoods of the culture and respond in accordance to the will of the Lord God Almighty. Walking the walk while talking the talk as a disciple of Christ is what we are called to do. It is not an easy task to carry out, but we have the Holy Spirit living in us to do it and be faithful to our calling. Let your and my words and actions glorify the One who made us, who redeemed us, and who empowers us to be faith-filled witnesses in this earthly life. (Notice the picture of the mimes) Pastor McCarty


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