It is frigid outside, but God’s love has me feeling warm inside!
Today, in southeast Michigan, it is absolutely and miserably cold outside. As I took the opportunity to make my way to a few member visits this afternoon there was a chilling feeling in my bones. The wind and the dipping temperatures made for a not so wonderful outdoor adventure. But what else should I be expecting for wintertime in the upper Midwest region of our country.
Even though I was not feeling the most comfortable being out in the elements, something rather interesting was also taking place for me, as I traveled to my three stops. As I entered the various locations where my members were at, my body quickly felt the warmness of the interior surroundings. And, what a nice reprieve it was considering the frigid atmosphere I had just come from.
Yet, as I interacted with these dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I experienced a much different type of warmth within myself. It was the kind of warm feeling that comes from knowing my Lord and Savior Jesus. A glowing warmth that fills my heart as I share God’s Word with others, and faithfully administer the Sacrament of Holy Communion to His chosen people. Seeing the joy on these dear saints faces, as they receive the blessings of hearing the Word of God and feasting on Jesus’ body and blood, is an experience which can warm up the coldest heart/body.
We can enjoy the warming, which comes from God’s love, no matter the weather conditions we encounter, during the winter, in southeast Michigan or anywhere else. May the glowing presence of the Lord, in your life, bless you with a warmth that surpasses all human understanding. I am already feeling mighty toasty just writing this devotion!!!!!!!!Pastor McCarty