In a day and age, when we as human beings seem to believe we can accomplish anything because of our intelligence, technological mastery, and engineering prowess, there is one thing for certain we will never be able to accomplish: salvation! No matter how hard we try, or plan, or prepare, salvation will always be an illusive goal we will never achieve by our own abilities.
With the reality of such a truth hanging over us there can be plenty of reason for us to be overwhelmed by despair and hopelessness. Yet, as Christians we have the blessing and joy of knowing we do not have to worry, since it all that is needed for us to be saved has already been taking care of for us by our loving Lord and Savior Jesus. He is our risen Redeemer, Provider, and forever Friend, in whom we have the wonderful promise of life eternal.
To put things into perspective concerning the first part of this devotion, I would like to share a hymn that I have always held onto for comfort and peace, when thinking about my eternal destiny. The song I am referring to is “By Grace I’m Saved”.
By grace I'm saved, grace free and boundless; My soul, believe and doubt it not. Why stagger at this word of promise? Hath Scripture ever falsehood taught? Nay; then this word must true remain: By grace thou, too, shalt heav'n obtain. By grace! None dare lay claim to merit; Our works and conduct have no worth. God in his love sent our Redeemer, Christ Jesus, to this sinful earth; His death did for our sins atone, And we are saved by grace alone. By grace! O, mark this word of promise When thou art by thy sins oppressed, When Satan plagues thy troubled conscience, And when thy heart is seeking rest. What reason cannot comprehend God by his grace to thee doth send. By grace! This ground of faith is certain; So long as God is true, it stands. What saints have penned by inspiration, What in his Word our God commands, What our whole faith must rest upon, Is grace alone, grace in his Son.
By grace to timid hearts that tremble, In tribulation’s furnace tried,
By grace, in spite of fear and trouble, The Father’s heart is opened wide.
Where could I help and strength secure, If grace were not my anchor sure?
By grace! On this I’ll rest when dying; In Jesus’ promise I rejoice;
For though I know my heart’s condition, I also know my Savior’s voice.
My heart is glad all grief has flown, Since I am saved by grace alone.
Thank the Lord and sing His praise tell everyone what He has done for you by grace alone!
Pastor McCarty