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Calling out for help!

Writer's picture: Pastor McCartyPastor McCarty

Calling out for help!

For many people, in this day and age, there is a feeling that when they face difficulties or challenges in their life, it behooves them to suck it up, pull up their bootstraps, and push through it on their own. To be an independent, self-sustaining individual in tough times, is to some people a sign of strength, fortitude, and tenacity. Battling through the hardships or setbacks of life, by personal means and measures, is what makes you tougher and it what separates the weak from the strong.

Dear friends and fellow members of family of God, please do not buy into such misguided thinking. This is the type of thinking the devil puts out there to separate us from the Lord and from one another in times of need. The devil does not want us to cry out and seek help, especially from the Lord God Almighty. He wants us to go it alone because that is what places us in greater jeopardy to fail and fall prey to his evil and deceitful tactics.

We are dearly loved children of our Heavenly Father, and He has a deep desire to help us when we are in need. Why would that be a true statement to make? First and foremost, while we were still sinners lost and condemned to eternal destruction Christ died for us. You and I were in a situation we could not get out of on our, no way, no how. Even without us crying out for help God came to our rescue. He saved us and set our feet back on solid ground, on the Rock, Jesus Christ!

Jesus gave us a great example of this as He took regular time to be in intimate communication with His Father calling out to Him for strength and guidance. A great showing of this calling out for help was when our Savior fell to His knees in prayer, in the Garden of Gethsemane, and cried out, “Father if it is possible that this cup pass from me let it be, but if not let Your will be done.” Jesus knew what was waiting for Him on that night when He was betrayed and He certainly needed help (as a human being) to endure the beatings, shame, and His nailing to a cross.

Let us be diligent and faithful in seeking the Lord’s help in our times of struggle, He wants, He deeply desires for us to rely on Him for the assistance we may be desperate for. We also have our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to lean on and gain help from. We have been put into a Christian family for a reason. There is strength in numbers, and we are stronger as the Body of Christ, especially as we lovingly work together and care for one another. To try to go it alone when we have so many blessings, so much support offered us is a foolish and dangerous venture to say the least.

In the words of Psalm 50:14, we get this important message from the Lord, “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving, and perform your vows to the Most High, and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you will glorify me.” He will hear you and help you, and guess what, it just may come from fellow saints and who are His servants!!!!!!! Pastor McCarty


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