Tomorrow, Palm Sunday, is the last day of the Spring 40 Days for Life Pro-life Rally. This has been an ongoing prayer effort that began on Ash Wednesday. Over the last 6 Sundays there has been a gathering of prayers warriors, at the Planned Parenthood facility in Ann Arbor Michigan, to stand for the sanctity of human life and specifically for the children in the womb. During these Sunday assemblies a Jericho March has been conducted in front of and around the 1mile pathway which encircles the PP center. As the group marches, prays, and sings there is the hope of one day seeing the walls of planned parenthood crumble (aka close their doors). This hope is based on Israel's march around Jericho in Joshua Chapter 6.
During the march prayers are also lifted up for the unborn and mothers/fathers who are confronted with the decision of what to do in an unexpected pregnancy or a pregnancy which may present serious considerations for mom and baby. Along with these concerns prayers are offered for the women, men, and families, who have been affected by an abortion procedure. And finally, people pray for the doctors and workers who are employed at clinics like Planned Parenthood, that they might realize what they are doing which is in direct opposition to the sanctity of human life and God’s will to protect life.
This Rally does not just take place on Sunday afternoons, but it is an event whereby faithful warriors commit to cover prayer times daily from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. for the full 40 days. What a wonderful way to give a faith-filled, Christ-centered witness for the blessing of life and the call to defend life, help and defend our neighbor (child, mother, and father) from the pain and suffering that comes from abortion. Jesus said, “Whatever you do for the least of these my brothers that you do unto Me”. Matthew 25:40 May God give us, as His people, the passion and desire to be prayer warriors for life at every stage from conception to the grave! Pastor McCarty