Well, here we are in the very midst of College Basketball’s March Madness. The games have been filling the television, radio, and internet airways for the last week now. Before that there were telecasts and broadcasts of the various conference championships around the country. If you are a college basketball fan, then I am sure you have been spending a significant number of hours watching these hoop matchups. And there is definitely nothing wrong in spending your time in such a manner, just as long as you are not shirking other commitments, or responsibilities, in the process.
One thing which does concern me though, when considering the amount of time we may spend enjoying sporting events during the year, has to do with some people’s idea of attending worship services on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings during Advent and Lent, and other special services. For many individuals, within the Christian community, they cannot seem to be able to find enough time in their schedules to be in a 45 min. to 1 hr. 15 min. service once a week.
The Fourth Commandment: “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy” is explained by Martin Luther in this way; We should fear and love God so that we do not despise preaching and His Word, but hold it sacred and gladly hear and learn it.
Life can certainly get busy and other things much less important can consume our lives. In Matthew 12:8 Jesus called Himself “Lord of the Sabbath”. The Sabbath day was given for rest and to help us renew and reenergize our spiritual health and well-being. Are we placing our Lord at the center of our focus, or are we being sidetracked by the many other distractions the world offers us in His place? This is a question each of us has to answer for ourselves because eventually each one of us are going to have to give an account of our decision.
Jesus, our Savior, said, “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly”. Yes, He wants you and me to enjoy our life in this world, but more importantly He wants us to have abundance into eternity. Let us not be confused by what is truly worthy of our time and our attention! For if we do not make our relationship with Jesus a priority, then nothing else will matter in the end. And, I am sad to say that will be a devastating revelation to many when the time comes!!!!! Pastor McCarty