In third chapter of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes, we read these words that are the title of this devotion. Now if you are like me, you certainly believe and trust in these words, which are inspired by the Holy Spirit, and written by the Old Testament author. Yet, at times we can have considerable difficulty understanding the full meaning of such a thought-provoking statement of faith.
What I mean by this last comment has to do with the idea that there is a time and a season for every purpose, but the time and season do not always fit within our desired time frame. Over the years I have had situations that came up in my life which could not have happened at a worst time. With me having a number of other stressful things already going on, why should I have to deal with one more setback or difficult situation. We may even cry out, “Lord what are you doing can’t you just give me a break!
Solomon, writing on behalf of God, is addressing the frustrations of life with God’s Word and His blessings. Dr. Martin Luther tells us, “All human works and efforts have a certain and definite time of acting, of beginning, and of ending, beyond human control.” He goes on to say, “It is not up to us to prescribe the time, manner, or the effect of the things that are to be done; and so it is obvious that here our strivings and efforts are unreliable.
The places I have seen this play out are in situations where people I know have retired after working 50 years at a job. They are ready to enjoy the next chapter of their life, with their spouse and family, and they die unexpectedly shortly after they have entered retirement. It does not seem fair, nor do I see it as the right time or season for something like this to happen.
When I see a young child dealing with a serious illness or disability, I have to ask myself the question, “What is there about this season or this timing that can be seen as good”?
Faith is trusting and believing in something or someone, even when you do not fully understand, or can make sense of, what is going on in relationship to the thing or person. In the case of trusting and believing in God and what He is doing in our lives, or the lives of others, we can know for sure He is allowing it to happen for a good purpose and in His perfect timing. We may never see this side of heaven the real reason for why such events took place in our life. Yet, God calls us to trust and obey Him and His promise to never leave us or forsake us. For God loved us so much He sent Jesus to be Our Savior, and He did it at just the right time, in the Just right season, for His perfect purpose; to save you, me, and all mankind. For there is no better way then to trust and obey in the Lord, who controls all things in heaven and under heaven. Pastor McCarty