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Trusting God's promises!

Writer's picture: Pastor McCartyPastor McCarty

It is difficult for us as human beings to be able to fully trust in the promises of others. Especially, if we have received promises from other individuals and those promises have not always been kept. We can become quite gun shy about placing a lot of faith in what people may tell us, or convey to us, concerning what they are going to do on our behalf to benefit us. And can you or I blame anyone for feeling like in today’s day and age?

There is someone you and I can fully trust in, and put our faith in, what they say or promise to us. That person is the Lord God Almighty. His Word is faithful and true, and you and I can bank on it without any doubt or worry. He will not make any promise He does not plan on keeping completely.

One such example of God’s faithfulness, as a promise keeper, is found in the book of Genesis Chapter 18. Here we find where the Lord has promised Abraham and Sarah they will have a son, who will be the heir to many nations. This promise has come to this couple in their old age; Abraham 99 and Sarah 89. This is a rather unbelievable promise for God to carry through on wouldn’t you say? Yet, that is exactly what happens a year later when Sarah gives birth to Isaac. Even Sarah, who laughed at such a thought, is now a blessed recipient of the faithfulness of her Lord.

God did something even much greater in showing His ability to keep His promises, when He sent Jesus into the world to be born in the flesh, live a perfect life in this sin-filled world, suffer at the hands of His own people, and die on a cross for a bunch of past, present, and future sinners. And, if that was not enough Jesus rose from the dead to claim victory over sin, death, and the devil just as God promised He would do clear back in the Garden of Eden.

Dear friends in Christ, you and I have an amazing God who loves us very much. His desire is for us to trust in Him with all our hearts and depend on Him for all our needs in this life and the life waiting for us when we leave this world. He is the only one who truly can pull off what He says! But we sometimes have to be faithful and patiently wait because the Lord works on His timeline and in the way He knows will be best. Sarah and Abraham had to wait 25 long years to see the fulfillment of a promised offspring. Mankind had to wait several thousand years for the coming of a Savior. And the waiting continues as we look forward to Jesus’ Second Coming when He will make all things new. When will this final return come? I have no idea, but I am confident and certain it will because Jesus promised it is gonna happen!

Trust and obey for there is no better way, then to trust in Jesus for He is our stay!!!!! Pastor McCarty


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