That first Palm Sunday Jesus rode into Jerusalem very much aware of what was waiting for Him there. Even though, it did not appear at the time, to anyone else, that Jesus would be meeting His demise in the Holy City, He knew for certain the deep suffering He would be subjected to. Yet, He came willingly having a heart filled with love for sinful human beings like you, me, and those who would abandon Him and those who would eventually put Him to death.
Now I do not know about any of you, but I can tell you, with all truthfulness, that I am not too sure what I would have done having been in Jesus’ sandals. For me to believe I would have been able to set myself up to be mocked, shamed, tortured, and hung on a cross to die, for a bunch of people who either did not like me, nor had the desire to obey me, would be a real stretch.
Yes, Jesus tells us in John 15:12, “This is my commandment that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down His life for his friends. You are friends if you do what I command you.” There is my out folks! Jesus said that we should be willing to lay down our life for our friends. Well, I can tell you one thing, anyone who would want to do to me what they did to Christ would not be considered my friend! Thus, I guess I am off the hook, right?
The deep sacrifice Jesus made for us, and all humanity, is far beyond our ability to understand. To do what our Savior did, by giving Himself over to the emotional and physical torture exacted by His enemies, surpasses all boundaries of human reasoning. It was wrong! He did not deserve it for He was the very Son of God, the only one born in the flesh that was ever sinless, and He was a man filled with unending love for every person who ever lived. In fact, He could have stopped it all in a heartbeat, but He didn’t because it was because of His amazing love for His Father and all mankind!!
May we never forget the great gifts Jesus gave us that first Good Friday, when He gave up Himself so we might have the forgiveness of our sins, life, and salvation through Him. What would you and I have done? What ever it might have been it still would not have been enough to accomplish what our Lord did! Thank you Jesus,!!!!!!!! Pastor McCarty