We are living in a day and age when there is so much information available for us to use to guide us on our travels. We have tools like Mapquest, Google apps., GPS programs, and of course printed maps, to tap into for directions on where we are wanting to go. If we get lost in our travels it is either because we were not making use of these types of resources, or we were not following the directions we were given. I am speaking about the ways to get lost because I have failed to take full advantage of these tools that are meant for guiding us on our treks.
We have another very important tool we have been given to help guide and direct us in our lives, but it is provided to us for a much more spiritually centered purpose. The resource I am referencing is the Bible, God’s Holy Word. This is the guidebook the Lord has given us to access as we traverse through this world on our way to eternity. Everything we need to know about following the right path or road which God has set before us, and leads to eternal life, is contained in this Holy Spirit inspired Instruction Manual.
As sinful human beings we do not always want to follow the directions the Lord has provided for us to be able to live in a way that is in accordance with His will. We want to blaze our own trail, venture down the path we have chosen, and set our own course of travel that is aligned with what we are desiring in life. Many people simply are not receptive to reading and adhering to the teachings of the Bible, the Lord’s book of instruction. For them it is more comfortable to travel through this world in the dark, then to have the light of Christ shine on their path.
Jesus is the Light of the world! He has shown us the way to make it through this life and unto everlasting life. He knows the way and He is the Way. If we are faithfully following Him we will never get lost, and we will end up at the ultimate destination which God has planned for those who are trusting in Christ to lead them. The Book of Proverbs tells us in 4:27, “Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.” Which way are you and I to go then? In the only way that leads to true joy in this world and eternal life down the road, the path of our Savior Jesus. Blessings on your travels! Pastor McCarty