In recent times, I have been encouraging people to get their last will and testament, their estate plan, as well as their funeral arrangements, in order, so that when the Lord calls them home these things will be in place. There are some very good reasons for my persistence in making this request be known. First of all, it gives a person the opportunity to be good Christian stewards of what the Lord has blessed you with in this life in the way of possessions. Second, it is an opportunity to be able to give a witness of your faith to those you leave behind in this world. Thirdly, it makes taking care of your final business and arrangements so much easier and less stressful for your family. What a blessing it can be for your loved ones both now and at the time of your death to know you have/had your final plans and preparations in good order.
An even more important point I constantly speak on and share with family, church family, and friends about, is to have your spiritual life and house in order. Someday, unless Jesus comes back, you and I will be called out of this earthly life by our Creator. When that takes place, we will come face to face with our Lord God Almighty and we will have to give an account of our faith life. The one thing which will stand out the most is this: Did you know Jesus as your Lord, and did you trust in Him as your Savior and the only way unto salvation? What we believe and fully place our trust in during this earthly life does have a direct impact on our eternal destiny.
It saddens me to visit with people who have the mindset that one day they will get their act together concerning their spiritual life. Right now, is not a timeline which is a priority in their thinking and planning. Jesus on number of occasions spoke on the need to be ready to meet your Maker. In the Gospel of Luke, we hear His words of wisdom: “Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will dress himself for service and have them recline at table, and he will come and serve them. If he comes in the second watch, or in the third, and finds them awake, blessed are those servants!You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect." Luke 12:37-38, 40
Be prepared dear friends, first and foremost spiritually, and then secondly in your personal business planning. It is not the question of: Are you and I going to leave this present life? The real question at hand is: When are we going to leave it? And no one knows that answer but the Father! So, it is imperative for us to be prepared for that day! Pastor McCarty